About Me

Hey!  I’m Shannon…wife, mother of 4 (my youngest of which is 3 months old), electrologist, personal chef to my family of six discriminating judges, and so much more!

Who do you think you are getting to name yourself The Puretarian?  Well, first off, my hubby came up with the genius name, so thanks babe! But I consider myself a Puretarian because after lots of soul searching I realized I did not, and did not want, to fit into any other conventional category.  Am I vegetarian? Nope, not if I eat salmon right.  Am I vegan, uhh, no.  Am I a meat eater? Not really, but yea, sometimes.  Raw foodist? And the list goes on.  I’ve been it all from meat eater to raw foodist to everything in between.  For months and months to years.  Just trying to find what works best for me.  What I am is a woman who attempts to live her life as purely as possible in this modern day, fast paced, now now now world.  Foods that come from the Earth in the best way possible are what I try and fuel myself and family with.  I also live clean and Pure from the chemicals I choose to not put into my home and body.  My acts of service in my community and my never ending reaching of a more Pure lifestyle.  Hence, I am a Puretarian.  Or The Puretarian, thank you very much.

My love for health, fitness and food started as early as three, when I remember putting on my leotard and tights and “working out” in my living room.  I can thank my dad for instilling the healthy eating chip in my brain.  He taught us about healthy choices early on, but also instilled in me the chocolate chip!  He taught us that nothing was better than Chips A’hoy and a glass of milk before bed. :)

My love for cooking started in my early teens.  Reading from my moms old Betty Crocker cookbook, I diligently tried recreating recipes for my siblings.  My first “fancy” meal was oven fried chicken and twice baked potatoes.  And from there my desire for culinary skills bloomed.

As my taste buds and palette matured, so did my meals.  My love of eating and pleasing others with my creations, thrust me into a deeper passion for creating and preparing meals.  And over the years I started studying health and nutrition which propelled me into a whole new dimension of food.  I was introduced to living foods and I studied everything I could get my hands on.  Raw foods became a passion and I made huge life style changes.  I had given up red meat at a young age, and in my 20’s decided to give up most meats aside from seafood.  In the past two years I have gradually become a full on vegetarian, not really a conscience choice, just a preference.  And so my recipes are a mix of vegetarian, vegan, and raw.  Mostly I love and crave Pure foods.  Whole foods.  Healthy foods.

My focus on foods and creating recipes turned towards my kids, and they are almost always my inspiration…attempting to appeal to them and sneak the “good stuff” in their bodies without complaint.  Smoothies are such a great way to do this, and we almost always start our day with some kind of smoothie.

I’m working hard to juggle life with a newborn, family, work, and this blog.  My goal is to bring The Puretarian’s 30 Day Health Challenge to light and fruition with the goal of helping others change their look at what health and nutrition is, and can be.  I’ve found the Health Challenge to be the easiest and best way to ‘reset’ our systems to begin to digest and assimilate the foods we are meant to eat, in the way we are meant to eat them. Ask me for more details!

This blogging “thing” is a new adventure for me, brought on by the support and encouragement of my loving hubby, my desire to share what I’ve learned and what I love, and by the numerous requests for my recipes and ideas on how to get kids to eat healthy.  So, please be patient with me as I learn and develop this site.  I want to have 30 days full of recipes available for all Challengers with clickable links, and will be steadily working on this for the next couple months.  The next Challenge will start January 1, 2015. And if there’s ever a specific request or question, or you want to be a part of the next Challenge, please do not hesitate to ask!


p.s. “Electrologist” you say??  If you are so inclined, please visit pure-electrolysis.com to find out exactly what it is I do during the day besides run after children and cook!