Blog Post: Day 7

Losing steam??  No way!  ONE WEEK DOWN!

Breakfast was a quick sauté of veggies and some eggs thrown in. We were running out of fresh veggies, so it included 3 mushrooms, half an onion and two very large scoops of the frozen kale.  Sautéd that with some coconut oil, then scrambled up 4 eggs and mixed it all together.  The hubs and I split this but it ended up being more than filling. And I use the words “quick” and “thrown” literally.

Snack before a workout was one large celery stalk with almond butter.

Lunch after my workout interrupted (ever try doing air squats while your two year old is playing London Bridge with you under your legs?) was salmon salad wrapped in collard leaves.  Yum.  Collards are my new best friend (don’t tell my kids).  I’m not missing bread, but I do miss sandwiches.  Collards are an excellent alternative to a wrap.  I mean, it’s no Wonder Bread, but do we really miss the brain freeze of empty grains?

Salmon salad wrapped in collards

Dinner was so good!  Cauliflower soup topped with kale (or collards, or whatever fibrous green you prefer) pesto. I’m not a big soup fan normally, but this is a recipe that will stay in rotation.  And the weather is shaping up to be the perfect fall soup.  I personally think the pesto is what makes it.  It adds a nice salty/garlicky flavor. It’s thick, creamy, and so satisfying without all the fat and preservatives.

Cauliflower Soup w Kale Pesto



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