Blog Post: Day 8
Woke up today and immediately worked out. That felt good! I rarely have the energy to do that, but it sure is a nice way to start the day.
Breakfast was two fried eggs in coconut oil and a kale & pineapple smoothie.
Lunch was leftover cauliflower soup with kale pesto.
So thankful for hubby who had it ready, I was rushing as usual! I had to go grocery shopping on my lunch break to prepare for dinner that night. A big surprise…MEAT! If you know us, this is a big deal in our household. I haven’t prepared meat in about 7 months (another surprise for hubs) and before that, who knows, years. My hubs has been asking to incorporate more meat in his diet and so we may implement “Meat Mondays” in the Albertis Nest. Yes, I know, this was Wednesday…but hey, it’s on the menu for next Monday.
So, I rush my happy ass to Whole Foods on my lunch break to buy this elusive grass-fed organic meat. I get there & I’m staring at the meat counter looking awfully confused. You would think Whole Foods, great customer service, right? So, the lady comes up and asks to help me, I tell her I’m pretty much a vegetarian exploring with meat and I’m unsure what to buy. Crickets…. As I stand there she literally says to me “Take your time. Most people walk around and come back.” Umm… I tried not to let my jaw drop at her response. So then I just felt pressured and awkward and pretty sure my brow started to bead. just pick slab of red and go
I take a deep breath and I ask innocently, “So if I wanted to oven roast or pan fry a steak, what would be a good cut?” Her response: “They’re all good”. Then she takes me to the lesser quality meats and says something about a Chuck. I say “oh no thanks, I want to stay over here with the organic grass-fed guys”. Uh oh, I think I offended her. I mean, c’mon, this is Whole Foods!
Curtly she asks if I’m going to cook it in a crock pot. Sure, I say, maybe, um, I don’t know how I’m going to cook it. I’m calculating time in my head. Do I have time to slow cook it before dinner? I don’t know. The last thing I made in the crock pot was vegetarian lentil sloppy joes. Finally after all the pressure and building anxiety about a simple meal choice, I say, “I’ll have the smallest piece of that eye round right there”. It looked like a healthy cut of meat.
I get in the car and immediately call my husband in near tears…never doing that again! (at least not without research and a plan!) I tell him what I bought and he sweetly says, “yea that’s a slow cooker meat”. No worries, I’ll throw that bad boy in the Crock pot with some marinade and it’ll be nice and juicy and all that.
Pan seared with spices and ready for the crock pot. Yep, it’s been years since I’ve truly prepared meat. Like 10. There is no pic of the ‘after’ product for good reason. But, surprisingly my hubs was still happy. We also had roasted brussel sprouts which turned out quite nice if I do say so myself. I can cook the heck out of a veggie.
Until next Monday…